不知道你本科的 专业是什么,Bath很小院系也不多,所以基本大部分的专业在UK的排名是比较靠前的。所谓冷门专业并不代表好申请,只是说申请人比较少,但一般来说这样的专业每年招生的名额也很少,而热门的专业呢,虽然申请的人多但招生的人数也会较多,所以“冷门专业好申请,热门专业不好申请”是不能一概而论的。
Bath对中国学生申请的Postgraduate taught degrees的基本要求:http://www.bath.ac.uk/study/international/country/china/
Four-year bachelors degree from a prestigious university
For our most competitive subjects, we will usually expect applicants to have graduated from a ‘211’ or similar prestigious university in China. The exact grades we ask for will depend on the subjects you have studied (science, arts, engineering etc), the reputation of the university you have graduated from and the individual marks on your transcript. As a guideline, we recommend that our Departments ask for an overall average of 80-85% for arts/humanities/social sciences graduates and 75%-80% for science and engineering graduates. Some of our programmes require work experience so check the requirements carefully.