In China, frozen TV dinners are largely a foreign concept. Each morning you can see the mothers, grandmothers and ayis on their way to the market to buy the fresh produce they need for the family’s meals. Many Chinese families still do not have refrigerators, nor do they particularly see the need for them, as they buy what they need for each day’s meal every day, sometimes even making several trips to the market in one day. Although it is arguably more convenient to make weekly or bi-weekly shopping trips to the big mega-mart, shopping daily ensures less waste, as you only buy what you are sure you will use in a day. Fresh meat and produce is also healthier than processed food, which is largely why Chinese food, despite being cooked in vats of oil, has a reputation for being better for you than Western food. 在中国,购买速冻电视餐几乎是一个全新的外来概念。每天清晨,菜场里到处都是家庭主妇们或保姆们的忙碌身影,她们正在为自家一天的饭菜采购最新鲜的食材。许多没添置冰箱的中国家庭,并不觉得冰箱有多大的用处,因为他们已习惯每天采购当日的食物,有时一天去几次菜市场也不觉得麻烦。要是像西方人那样一周或两周去大超市采购一次近期食品的话,当然更方便且省时,但是中国人这种日采购的方式却能减少食物浪费,只要算好当天要吃的东西就好!比起西方菜肴,中国菜常以新鲜的鱼肉和农产品为烹饪食材,即使在其制作过程中加入了不少的食用油,它也要显得更美味、更健康。 |