1月的时候和offer letter一并收到过一份overseas fees and expenses 2002/2003,是不是已经无效了?据说涨价了?那个时候的学费(文科)是7640胖子。3月4日收到了住宿的一封信,告诉我,“we are waiting for the new rent levels to be decided for next year and as soon as i have this information i will send you full details of the accommodation to be offered to you”最后一句话用黑体:“please do not send this fee now, you will be sent an invoice with the letter of confirmation”,怎么这样吗,我看到这句话,就没敢寄押金,但是一直没有收到他们的任何来信不说,还听说宿舍已经基本没有了?大家是怎么解决的?
大家记不记得graduate society曾经给我们寄过三张不蓝不绿的纸?上面不是又比较详细的宿舍介绍吗?不过不知道pars##被过滤## field house 还是pars##被过滤## field Court,或者是Fisher House,Pars##被过滤## Field。最后一个可能性大点,因为当初我申请的这个。segawei,那个上面是酱写的:Opened in 1991 c##被过滤##ists of ten clusters of rooms with 6 single rooms per cluster.Each cluster has shared kitchen and shower and toilet facilities Each room has a computer point. There is also a computer room with computers linked to the University network in the building.还算凑活,是吧?如果签证顺利的话,我们可以考虑部分行李从简,比如有些东东可以两个人带一套去了.例如切菜板之类的.