以下是引用realmax在2004-3-20 21:46:00的发言:
比如说vodafone pay as you talk,我去年买的时候有first step的收费标准,晚间和周末5p每分钟(包括固定电话),可以在电话服务系统中修改收费方式。现在买pay as you talk的似乎没有这项了。
以下是引用yaya在2004-3-18 22:10:00的发言:
when u call 0800*****, before connect, it will a notice say that vodaphone will charge at normal rate..... Have u heard them?? I try once, and got the remind, and then cut off. Becareful, there is no free dinner at all....
其实三年以前,打0870,0845都是包括在免费时间里面的.最早的时候是0845先开始收费的,我瞎猜可能是以为vodaphone都是很多中国人在用,然后打电话卡又是用0845那个收费最便宜,所以打的人多了,vodaphone也许觉得不划算了吧.0870好像稍微晚一点,因为0870其实可以拨一个号码,然后就可以直接拨打国际长途,包括中国,所以刚才看到楼上的说打0870不用钱,那倒是挺不错的.但据我知道应该是要收的.至于0800那我也不知道它什么时候开始收费了,用来用去,还是用回pay as you go了,呵呵!不过最近签了3的还不错,挺便宜的相对其他而言...........
when u call 0800*****, before connect, it will a notice say that vodaphone will charge at normal rate..... Have u heard them?? I try once, and got the remind, and then cut off. Becareful, there is no free dinner at all....