
标题: 有爱大Neuroscience前辈吗? [打印本页]

作者: chzh1980cz    时间: 2006-12-16 20:29
标题: 有爱大Neuroscience前辈吗?

I have got the an Offer of Mres (Neuroscience) and I will go to UK in Sep.2007.

My basic situation is Bachelor degree of Clinical Medicine, 3-years’ Residency, Fellow, 6-months’ Research experience, Ielts: 6.5 and no Paper experience.

Would you mind to give me some advices of the Scholarship in Phd application , the guide of my Mres study and the most important things I should prepare before Sep.2007?

Should I get the higher score such as 7.0/7.5?

Should I develop spoken English especially?

Should I develop special English such as Medicine & Biology English and Lab English?

Are there any advices of developing Medicine & Biology English and Lab English?

Should I get a Paper or Paper related experience?

How important is in the communication with the tutor and are there any advices in the communication?

Is there any possibility that I can get the position of Postdoc or Research assistant when I get the Mres degree and What are the most important things I should prepare before Sep.2007?

Are there any advantages that I apply the Phd for the University give me the Mres degree and are there any disavantages that I apply for another University or tutor?

Thank you very much!

另一种是Edinburgh类的,他们导师都不和我网上聊就直接发给我Offer,但同时他们好像没有具体supervisor,只有一个programme director;
我当然想去Edinburgh类排名高的学校了,但再结合applelhh前辈的指点,是不是说Leeds 拿Phd奖学金机会更多呢?

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