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[米粒智囊团求助] 2011新签证政策下的VAF9&APPENDIX8表格问题

发表于 2011-5-12 19:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这几天自个儿在研究签证问题 下载了申请表格 出现如下问题 各种纠结 望前辈们相助 不胜感激!

1. Aappendix 8 中的Part 5有部分内容相当搞,如下:
本人情况是:不需要提前读语言,拿到的是Uncon offer,是出去读硕士 Msc TESOL

5.8 Are you coming to the UK to study a course at NQF level 6 or above?
[  ]NO-below NQF level 6,excluding Foundation degrees and equivalents-Go to 5.9
[  ]Yes-at NQF level 6 and above including Foundation degrees and equivalents-Go to 5.15

5.9 Put a cross in one box to indicate how you meet the minimum CEFR B1English language requirements.
[  ]National of a majority English speaking country -Go to Question 5.10
[  ]English language test-Go to Question 5.11
[  ]Previous study as a child student ...-Go to Question 5.13
[  ]Not Applicable ....-Go to Question 5.15

5.11 English language test:
Aawarding body ________              Title of qulification _________
Level of qualification __________    Date of Aaward     _________
Award reference number ___________________

5.15 Are you required to obtain permission from the Aacademic Technology Approved Scheme(ATAS)?
[  ]Yes-Go to Question 5.16       [  ]No-Go to Part 6

5.16 Put a cross in the box to confirm you have provided the original of your ATAS clearance certificate. Then Go to Part 6.                                         [   ]

2. 此外,Appendix 8中的6.17中有一项Maintenance,话说应该是伦敦外的就写5400是吧,但是我交了住宿费订金的250英镑,那么这里是不是需要减去250呢?

6.17 Do you have any remaining fees and maintenance still due for payment?
  [ X ] Yes-complete the boxes below    [  ] No-no money due,no evidence needed Go to Part 7

       Course fee ------------------- ___________
       Maintenace-------------------  ___________
       Total---------------------------  ___________

3. Appendix 8中的6.20问我资金证明问题,我同时递交存款证明和存折的话,是不是就同时X前两个框框啊?

6.20 Put a cross in the relavant boxes to indicate what evidence of funds has been suppied to cover all maintenance and fees which you still need to pay. All documents must be original. The funds must have been in (or your parent or legal guardian's) bank account/building society account for 28 days ending no more than 1 month prior to the date of your application.

[ X ] Personal bank or building society statements  [ X ]Savings or building society books
[    ] Letter from a bank or building society...            [    ]Letter from a regulated financial...

4. 除了VAF9和Appendix 8两张表格,还有一张checklist,我下载的竟然有11页纸,貌似不对,别人说只有3页纸,且需要签字的最后,我怎么也没有找到,有谁知道应该在哪里下载呀?


[ 本帖最后由 Rosy651314 于 2011-5-13 00:56 编辑 ]
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发表于 2011-5-13 14:19 | 只看该作者
找到一个前辈填写的 你瞧瞧!
4.3 还是写学校的地址
5.2选Studying a course,那个Undertaking a foundation course as a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist是指学医的
5.4一般是选NO,我是本科无学位,并且VL上写了2个satisfactory references,就选了YES,并且在下面说明assessed by satisfactory references with 2 recommendation letters.
6.6Initial application  
这个专门问了签证中心妹妹,说选Personal bank or building society statements存款证明的意思,没有存折和卡的或者贷款留学的选Letter from a bank or building society confirming the funds or the agreement of a loan

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发表于 2011-5-13 14:19 | 只看该作者
你的是不是下错了 好好找找啊
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发表于 2011-5-21 09:15 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-31 21:54 | 只看该作者
谢谢你 我也下载了2011.04的新版本 然后5.6有点纠结 如下:

5.6 Put a cross in one bos to indicate how you meet the minimum English language requirement relavant to your course.
( ) National of majority english speaking country- Go to Q5.7
( ) Academic qualification equicalent to UK degree, taught in majority english speaking country
(x) English language test - Go to Question 5.8( ) previous study as a child student...
( ) Your sponsor is a Higher Education Institution, and has made its own assessment of your english language ability-Go to Part 6
( ) Your sponsor is an HEI, considers you to be a gifted student......

Awarding Body: ?
Level of qualification: ?
Award reference number:? (发现雅思里面的办法号码比在表格里面提供的格数要多好几个 郁闷呀)

此外 我交了爱大的250棒子的住宿订金 然后Maintenance就要5400减去250吗?

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