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发表于 2007-10-30 13:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
一. 概述
1.  全奖会不会被拒?
2. 全奖要不要再提供额外的资金证明?
二. 我提交的申请材料
1  Visa Application Form
2   Student Questionnaire
3   Unconditional Offer
4   Certificate for Mphil-PhD Study
5   Certificate for College Graduation and Bachelor’s Degree
6   Certificate for High School Graduation
7   Transcripts for Graduate and Undergraduate Study
8   IELTS Test Report Form
9   Registration Card of Permanent Residence
10  Full Scholarship Letter
11  Fax Letter by My Supervisor to Explain the Scholarship
二. 关于签证申请表填写的几个问题
1. 问题6.8:  Do you receive income from any other sources, including friends or family?
2. 问题6.11:  Who is paying for your trip?
3. 问题9.11:If you are being sp##被过滤##ored by someone else, please ...
有人问是不是指除学校以外的什么人,所以就填父母等,恭喜你,这样你又得提供详细的资金证明了。大家可以灵活地理解,someone else 就是指除了我以外的人,所以大胆地填写学校的名字,OK了。
三. 关于学生问卷填写的几个问题
1. Why did you select your proposed course and how did you find out about it?
On the one hand, I have been interested in space geodesy since I was admitted as a student in the
field of geodesy into  ???? university in 2000. During the past seven years, I was exposed
extensively to the fundamental knowledge of geodesy and geomatics which are mainly concerned
with the position determination. The means of Earth observation, the technique of satellite
positioning and the art of data processing had always particularly fascinated me. I believe I can acquire more and overcome some academic challenges in these fields through my PhD course study in UK. On the other hand, the comprehensive applicati##被过滤##, including the precision agriculture, the resource investigation and the rescue activity, of space geodesy techniques such as the satellite positioning magnetize me to devote myself to space geodesy for my survival in the future society. My proposed PhD course in UK focuses more on the competence of independent research and the practicability of space geodesy. I can therefore improve my practice and research abilities to attain a satisfactory position in the future occupation.
2. How is your proposed course structured and what subjects will you follow on the course?
In accordance with the advice of my supervisors, there are two selective professional subjects in my PhD course. But the learning of them depends on my research. The teaching is organised in the intensive one-week modules c##被过滤##isting of lectures, seminars, example classes, laboratory classes and tutorial work.
More importantly, my PhD study will concentrate on the research and accomplishment of some scientific or industrial projects. I am required to take part in the discussi##被过滤## about the projects and submit the progress reports of my independent or cooperative research at specified time. In this procedure, I will be engaged in some collaborative projects with other schools in this university, colleges, companies or government organisati##被过滤##. At the end of my PhD study, I have to submit a PhD dissertation to apply for my PhD diploma.
3. 只要问到和资金有关的问题,就把学校的奖学金往上一摆,什么麻烦都没有了。
4. Why have you chosen to study abroad?
At first, there are a good many advantageous experimental instruments and comprehensive scientific documents, some of which are hardly obtained in China, ensuring my study in UK, especially in the field of scientific research and technical applicati##被过滤##. Actually, I think nowadays most of the western scientific researches and technologies represent the highest level in the world. I am sure I will learn much in UK.
In addition, I am allowed by the university to accomplish the PhD study and obtain the diploma within two years in UK if I want, which is believed to be an advantage as I will be younger and more energetic than my counterpart in China. As a result, I will be more competitive in the job hunting.
Finally, my overseas study is part of the cooperation between the two universities. My supervisor here encourages me to go abroad to pursue my PhD study and will reserve my PhD position. Then I can apply for another PhD in ???? University when I come back to China.


四. 附带几个问题
1. 硕博连读的证明有没有效?
2. 中断国内学业去UK,VO会不会不可理解?


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发表于 2007-10-30 13:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 13:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 13:45 | 只看该作者

" l& L9 @- M6 e: U 各位都是啥专业啥学校的呢?交流下哈。
  Z7 ]) u9 y: W# Y% p8 y我甚至认识国内在读博士都签出去了的~
发表于 2007-10-30 13:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 13:49 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 13:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 13:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 14:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-10-30 15:45 | 只看该作者
呵呵  不错 不错
发表于 2007-11-27 22:39 | 只看该作者
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