13年圣诞回国的, 结果快到开学的时候在家把腰扭伤了,起不来床,看了医生然后医生也是开了2个月的休养证明,我也给老师发邮件了。医生的证明都给正规翻译公司翻译了的。老师说建议我这个学期休学,和家里人商量了觉得也是。不然回去应付了考试什么都没学到。就提交了那个EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCE的申请。 结果前几天收到了那个office发的邮件说我的申请成功了, 今天不久又收到了这个邮件
Following receipt of the notification of your withdrawal, the University of Central Lancashire has reported, to the Home Office, that you are no longer currently studying at this institution.
In order to comply with the Tier 4 immigration rules, you should make arrangements to leave the UK as a matter of urgency (and within 28 days of this letter). Failure to do so could result in a ban on you returning to the UK for a considerable period of time. Please provide proof of your flight booking at the earliest opportunity.
May we wish you every success in the future.
International Student Support Team
The International Office
然后我的学校的账号也登陆不上去 说是被管理员锁住了 怎么办呀