如果你或你有朋友要买2005年2月1日早上从London Victoria 去LONDON GATWICK 的火车票, 我们可以一起买,因为在Gatwick Express 网站有个OFFER 就是 4 FOR 2的OFFER, 如果我们4个人一起买的话,每个人单程只要6磅....现在已有2个人!
所以,请赶快联系我: callmesam99@hotmail.com
If you or Your friends want to buy a single ticket from London Victoria and Gatwick Airport on 1st Feb 2005.
Maybe we can share a ticket: Gatwick Express have introduced a group ticket which allows up to four adults to travel for the price of two.
The Total for 4 is 24 pound, so,6 pound for each preson only !
we have two person at moment...
Pls contact me as soon as possible!