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电暖气 DELONGHI Convector Heater With Thermostat 2kw Heat Output,15镑
电子秤 7镑
美的”小金猪“电饭锅 15镑
Options, futures, and other derivatives (Seventh edition) by John C. Hull 包括习题答案册
Financial economics (Second edition) by David Blake
Financial economics (Second edition) by Zvi Bodie, Robert C. Merton, and David L. Cleeton
Macroeconomics (Third edition) by Stephen D. Williamson
Risk management and financial institutions (Second edition) by John C. Hull
Introduction to economic growth (Second edition) by Charles I. Jones
International economics: Theory & Policy (Eighth edition) by Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld
Investments: Spot and derivatives markets by Keith Cuthbertson and Dirk Nitzsche
Principles of corporate finance (Ninth edition) by Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers and Franklin Allen
Introductory econometrics (Fourth edition) by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
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