学校后门的Nightingale Shott的学生house开始广大招租啦~~~
所有有兴趣的,正在为明年住房问题烦恼的学哥学姐学弟学妹路过看看啊~~ 0
5 bedrooms(including2 spacious double bedroom& one single bedroom available from June 2011,all inperfectconditions)
2 upstairs bathroom with shower/bath & 1 downstairs toilet
A modern furished kitchen & living room,还有一个大大的仓库哦~~
one big parking place ,有车的童鞋也无忧喲~
a big backyard with a nice view (可以BBQ的哟~~)
located in a safe and secure area with only a short walk from the cenral Egham town(10 mins), railway station(5 mins) & uni campus(7 mins)
Rental:380-420 胖子per month, 8 不包bills的噢~~
现已有两个浙江女生入住了(Eco depart),相当nice~ 正在寻觅3个有意向一同合租的室友,