4 doors, 11000 miles,very cool white car, front electronic door windows,Petrol, Manual, ABS, Alarm,Cruise control.great energy,There are some problems with the front brakes and the front wishbones, totally you need 300 pounds to repaired this car.however the front protect have just been changed, also four wheels .......so as you know i have paid a lot of money for this car ,but as a result of these problem that i have mentioned and i have bought a new car so i will only charged for 800 to sell it as quickly as possible, i have no place to park it now(call me 07552067779 or send a E-mail to me to talk about the price and see the car only if you wanna to buy it).Please contact: ml301@exeter.ac.uk附加: 可以帮忙联系保险(价格比自己从网上买肯定便宜,具体不详,因人而异),mot, 刹车片等问题可以帮忙联系修理场,比找英国车场便宜,价格之类的你们自己商量,本人决不从中牟取利润。 下面是拍的几个照片:放在附件里,大家有兴趣的自己看一下:
[ 本帖最后由 铭 于 2009-10-15 04:21 编辑 ] |