上个月中终于拿到了在英正式工作后的第一个假期.于是决定去那个梦寐以久的地方-VENICE. 订了一个SELF CATERING 的 BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT 大概五分钟的路程去 SAN MARCO SQ. 打开窗可以看到运河,清晨时可以听到VENICE 撑船人的歌声和SAN MARCO TOWERING的钟声. 以下是一些比较好玩的地方:
SAN MARCO SQ is a really beautiful and elegant with stylish interior design. Doge's place in the corner of the SQ. this was the powerhouse of the city's rulers for nearly 900 years.
Accademia galleries an great collection of venetian paintings, with master pieces by Titian, Bellini and Giorgione.
Rialto market is still the best market in the world.
Santa maria Gloriosa dei frari
Island of Torcello.
Island of murano where all the famous glassware are made in front of your eyes.