千年不变的大难题,还是关于留学选校的问题。 话说,英国大学那么多,要选哪个才合适呢? 今天,我们就跟各位分享的是英国各大名校建筑学专业的申请攻略。 A-Level(alevel)课程建议: Art, Maths, Physics, History,English 下面是各个大学建筑学对A-Level(alevel)成绩的要求: 伦敦大学学院 A-Level:AAB 没有科目要求,但最好是Art, Maths和English 费用:£22,850 (2017/18) 剑桥大学 A-Level:A*AA Required by some Colleges: A Level/IB Higher Level arts/science mix; one or more of A Level/IB Higher Level Art, Graphic Design, History of Art, Mathematics or Physics.
曼彻斯特大学 A-Level:AAA Mixture of science/maths and humanities/arts subjects preferred. Many candidates offer Art/Art related A levels - but it is not essential.
卡迪夫大学 A-Level:AAA We prefer a good academic base with a balance of skills in visual arts, sciences and writing. General Studies, Critical Thinking and PE are not considered.
巴斯大学 A-Level:A*AA
谢菲尔德大学 A-level:AAA with at least one acceptable subject.
爱丁堡大学 A-level:AAA 最低入学要求:A Levels: ABB. GCSEs: English at Grade C and Mathematics at Grade A or Mathematics and Physics both at Grade B or Mathematics, Science plus an additional Science all at Grade B. Evidence of artistic ability is required.
纽卡斯尔大学 A-level:AAA. All candidates will be required to submit a portfolio for review as part of the selection process. GCSE grade B in Mathematics and English required if not taken at a higher level.
肯特大学 A-level:AAB. Only one general studies and critical thinking can be accepted against the requirements