1. "WORK PSYCHOLOGY", 5th Edition, By- John Arnold and Ray Randall et al. Pearson Education Limited 科目的code是MANG 1005, The Individual and the Organization 教科书喔,书店卖49左右,上面没有做过笔记,也没有折痕,30磅, 和全新的一样
2. "MANAGEMENT" An Introduction. 5th Edition. David Boddy. MANG 1003: Introduction to Management. 也是同步的教科书,因为前几页被我用荧光笔化过几行 所以 20磅。可以商量喔 价格
3. "Foundations of Macroeconomics", 4th edition. BY- Robin Bade, Michael Parkin. Person International Edition. 这本书是我在amazon上买的二手书, 硬皮的,所以里面几乎全新 也没有笔记 但毕竟不是二手的了 所以买的时候25磅 现在卖15磅。Course code: ECON 1002: Macroeconomics