Management Accounting
Garrison, Noreen, Seal. (2003) European Edition.Mc Graw Hill.
Sitable for Year 1:Management Accounting and Decision I
Year 2:Management Accounting and Decision II
---------brand new. £25
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Barry Elliott and Jamie Elliott. (2003). seventh edition.FT Prentice Hall.
Sitable for Year 1: Financial Accounting
Year 2: Financial Reporting
----------- £20
Cases & Materials on Company Law
Andrew Hicks & S.H.Goo. (2003). 4th Edition.Blackstone Press.
Sitable for Year 1: Business Law B
----------- £20
All these three books are essential texts for the relative modules, highly recomonded by the lecturers. they are really useful, frequently used for up to 2 years.worth buying indeed.
most economic way to buy books, cut off the middle man, benifit both of us.:)
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[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-2 3:42:40编辑过]