课程名称 | 书名 | 价格 | BEAM047Fundamentals of Financial Management | Fundamentals of Financial Management (原版) | 20镑 | BEAM029Topics in Financial Economics | Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis | 5镑 | BEEM114Advanced Finance Theory | 1.Intermediate Financial Theory2.Dynamic asset pricing theory | 5镑+5镑 | BEEM117Economics of Corporate Finance | The Theory of Corporate Finance (中英文两版) | 10镑 | BEEM100Macroeconomics | Advanced Macroeconomics(原版) | 20镑 | BEEM104Quantitative Methods for Finance | 1.The Analysis of Financial Data(原版)2.Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts(原版) | 20镑+15镑 | BEEM116Financial Econometrics | 1.The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series2.Introductory econometrics for finance(上下册)3. Econometrics of financial market | 5镑+10镑+5镑 |
ACCA考试用书全套 10镑 买书另有学习用具赠送(订书器,打孔机,计算器,文件夹,笔等) 2.打印机HP F380,20镑
赠送一盒黑墨、两盒彩墨、白纸若干 3.生活用品 电饭锅 5镑 炒锅(炖、煮、炸) 6镑 刀、砧板,锅铲等厨房用具若干 8镑 面包机5镑 以上整套购买附送碗碟 电水壶 6镑(附送保温瓶1升) 电暖气 6镑 吹风机5镑 购物车4镑 洗脸盆2个3镑 晾衣架、收纳篮、衣架2镑
由于本人马上回国,需要的同学们尽快哦! |