我想之所以能够获奖,那是完全靠我那段文字的呀...惭愧惭愧...为了让自己的获奖名正言顺,下定决心一定要把图片放上来给各位亲们鉴定!!!很精彩吧有木有!!!Hah, I think i deserve an ipod by the way...
Hey this is Ryan. I took this picture when i was visiting the highland of Scotland. The fatty next to me, Andy mate, was the driver of the trip and he was wearing a KILT!!! Absolutely nothing under his KILT i swear!!! I don't actually remember the exact location as we were standing, as you can see, in the middle of nowhere. Right, somewhere around the NESS i suppose. Anyway it was fun. PS, if anyone's looking for fat cute Scottish, go find Andy. He said he's always available. PS2, i love his accent and his KILT!!! big love!!!