This offer is valid for 60 days from the date of this letter (16 Februaru 2011). Please complete this form once you have made a decision to accept or decline the offer, and return it to the School Office within 60 days.
Applicants who accept the offer of a place on a full-time programme are required to pay a deposit of 1000(pound) which is due at the same time as the formal acceptance of our offer of a place. Full details of how to pay the deposit are enclosed. If cleared funds are not received within 30 days of your acceptance the offer of a place of study will normally be deemed whithdrawn.
那是不是意味着如果我定金就交一点点不交齐,等到交定金的期限(30天)之前再交齐也OK?也就是说其实有90天的考虑时间了??? |