You have not selected a payment method. You must set up a valid Direct Debit. You should go online at https://directdebits.ncl.ac.uk as soon as possible and complete the required screens to set up your accommodation charges by Direct Debit. You are advised to read thoroughly the terms and conditions on this web site. When completing the Direct Debit Mandate, please ensure you prefix your Applicant Number with an "S".
Alternatively you can print off a manual Direct Debit instruction at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/accommodation/about/DirectDebitMandate.pdf, if preferred and return it to the address quoted on the instruction. If you fail to do this by 20 October 2010, you will not be able to pay by instalments and the total rent will be due.
刚刚申请宿舍 成功 上面的支付方法 说我没有 选择有效的 转账支付,要我去 填 信息, 可是 邮件上 说在9。28前 支付 有优惠,我21号的 飞机,去了 是不是 也能付啊?
上面 8月20截止 指的是 分期付款,和我 没什么关系吧? 求 有相似经历的同学 帮帮忙 |