Here are the books for MSc Finance and Investment in Exeter University,also useful for Finance relevant subjects, all the books provided are 99% new:
Solomon, Jill. 2007. CorporateGovernance and Accountability 2nd Ed. (Core text for CorporateGovernance, original price32.99 pounds, now sell for 20 pounds )
Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy,Victorl L. Bernard and Erik Peek. Business Analysis and Valuation. (Core textfor Investment analysis one & two, original price 43.99 pounds, now sell for 25 pounds)
Brigham Houston. Fundamentals ofFinancial Management 6th ED. (Core text for Fundamentals ofFinancial Management & Corporate Finance, original price 51 pounds, now sell for 30 pounds)
Jeff Madura and Roland Fox,International Financial Management (Core text for International FinancialManagement, original price49.99 pounds, now sell for 30 pounds)
Frederic S. Mishkin, The Economics ofMoney, Banking and Financial Markets 9th ED. (Core text for Bankingand Financial Management, originalprice 54.99 pounds, now sell for 32 pounds)
If you need any of then, please contact me:
Email: sx204@exeter.ac.ukor ben200490146@hotmail.com
Tel.: 07936883226 |