Book’s name
| Author
| edition
| subject
| Price
Principles of corporate finance
| Richard.A.Brealey
| 4th
| Corporate finance /
Financial management
| 20
Global investments
| Brano Solnik
Dennis Mcleavey
| 6th
| Domestic and international portfolio management / Financial instruments
| 20
Investment analysis and portfolio management
| Reilly Brown
| 8th
| Domestic and international portfolio management / Financial instruments
| 20
Business analysis and valuation: using financial statements, text and cases
| Palepuhealy Bernard
| 2nd
| Investment analysis 1
| 5
The economics of money, banking and finance
| Howells Bain
| 4th
| Banking and financial services
| 20
The economics of money,banking and financial markets
| Mishikin
| 8th
| Banking and financial services
| 20
Operation management
| Migel Slack Stuart Chambers Robert Johnston
| 5th
| Managing operation
| 20
Strategic management and competitive advantage
| Barney Hesterly
| 2nd
| strategy
| 20
Fundamentals of financial management
| Brigham Houston
| 8th
| Financial management
| 20
Marketing management
| Kotler Keller
| 3th
| Marketing management and planning
| 20
Managing innovation
| Tidd Bessant Pavitt
| 2nd
| 20
Financial theory and corporate policy
| Copeland Weston
| 3rd
| 20