若非特别标明,本贴所有物品均为英国正规成人用品商生产(Durex, Safex,Condomi etc), 假一罚十. 为使大家相信商品的质量,希望有兴趣购买的同学或朋友留下您的住址,我会免费送一个Sample给您试用(Sample只限安全套及早孕测试),sample会夹在一个塑料/纸装信封里寄给您,无需尴尬!
还在为售套机和超市安全套的价格(almost £1 each)感觉难以承受吗? 还在为买成人用品而难以启齿吗? 还在为常在ebay上买到假Durex而气愤吗?
马上在此订购您需要的成人用品吧吧,款到即送货,所有价格都是包括delivery的! 请需要sample condom的朋友pm给我留言或发email告知您需要的种类,及您的地址。
付款方式:HSBC,NATWEST 网上汇款,Paypal
Contact: Dean, Tel:07737649811 topeakservice@hotmail.com[/SIZE]
杜蕾斯close-fit,不用我解释了,更薄,更紧,如若无物! Durex Close Fit condoms are narrower than standard condoms to provide a tighter fit for extra confidence.
Lubricated with a gentle, non-spermicidal lubricant.
Nominal width : 49mm (适合亚洲人)
Pack of 12 only £4.5 Pack of 36 for only £12
杜蕾斯Gossamer,不杀精,给你双倍的润滑。 Now Easy-on, Durex Gossamer condoms have a gentle lubricant for a natural feeling.
Lubricated with a gentle, non-spermicidal lubricant.
Transparent shaped teat ended condoms made from hypo allergenic natural rubber latex.
Nominal width : 52mm
Pack of 12 only £4.5 Pack of 36 for only £12
杜蕾斯双保安全套,适当增加了其厚度及润滑剂,为您提供更多的安全保护 Now Easy-on, Durex Extra Safe condoms are uniquely shaped to enhance comfort and provide the reassurance you need.
Durex Extra Safe are slightly thicker and extra lubricated to provide extra reassurance
The most popular Durex condom in the latex range
Coral coloured, shaped teat ended condoms made from hypo allergenic natural rubber latex
Nominal width : 52mm
Pack of 12 only £4.5 Pack of 36 for only £12 |