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Brealey. R and Myers, S (2006) Corporate Finance (8th Edition), McGraw Hill
Kotler, P, Wong, V, Saunders, J, and Armstrong, G (2005) Principles of Marketing, FT Prentice Hall (European Edition).
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Slack N, Chambers S, Johnston R, Betts A, (2005) Operati##被过滤## and Process Management: Principles and Practice for Strategic Impact, FT
Huczynski, A and Buchanan, D (2005) Organisational Behaviour, FT Prentice Hall.
Morris, C (2003) Quantitative Approaches in Business Studies, FT Prentice Hall.
Covey, S (2001) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon & Schuster.
De Chernatony, L and McDonald, M (2003) Creating Powerful Brands, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Goldratt, E (1994) The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, Gower Press.
Goldratt, E (1996) It’s not Luck, Gower Press.
Kotler, P and Lee, N (2005) Corporate Social Resp##被过滤##ibility, John Wiley.
Kumar, N (2004) Marketing as Strategy, laceName>HarvardlaceName> laceName>BusinesslaceName> laceType>SchoollaceType> Press.
Mintzberg, H (1999) Mintzberg on Management, John Wiley & S##被过滤## Inc.
Rowan Manahan, (2004) Where's My Oasis?: The Essential Handbook for Everyone Wanting that Perfect Job, Vermilion.
Senior, B and Fleming, J (2005) Organisational Change, Prentice Hall.
如果有这些书卖的,请跟我联系, michael.xu@msn.com
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