没有固定的格式.我今天也去学校办这个证明了,我两个证书都要在7月14日拿,我想先开一份去签证. 我是用了学校的纸,自己拟的稿子.给你参考一下(按照你自己的情况做相应的修改即可): Identification This is to certify that XXX (your name), male/female, born on ******(your birthday), is senior student of *****(your department) in ********(your school's name)(4-year undergraduate course). His/Her major is*****(your major). Through the terminal verification, XXX(your name) has completed all the required courses and fulfilled the prescribed examinati##被过滤## for graduation. He/She will definitely to graduate in ***(the month) and get the Bachelor's degree of ***(your degree name,e.g. Economics or others) in ***(the month). 证明 XXX同学,男/女, 出生于****年**月**日,是*****大学****学院***专业四年级学生(四年级本科课程).他/她现已修完教学计划规定的全部学分,将于****年**月毕业,经审核确认将于****年**月获得****学学士学位. 特此证明 ****大学****学院 ****年**月**日 |