An accompanying driver must
have held a full EC/EEA driving license for at least three years for the category of vehicle being driven
be at least 21 years of age.
The car you intend to use must be
insured for the learner
fitted with L plates (D plates in Wales) to both the front and rear of the car
in a safe and roadworthy condition.
不行的话就只好找驾校了。Local地区的驾校信息可以从Yello Page上找到。有名一些的驾校有BSM和AA,但是价钱也相对贵一些。一般的从15镑到30镑每小时不等。而且这个价钱又稳步上升的趋势。个人意见,其实那家驾校都差不大多,主要作用就是提供车辆,熟悉一下考试规则,其他的都靠自己。至于学车时间完全因人而异,基本上应该是在20-40小时以上。找了驾校,考试报名的事情他就都管了。
Apart from general driving, your test will include An eyesight test (If you fail this, your test won't continue). Special exercises - you'll be asked to carry out two of the following
Reversing around a corner
Turning in the road
Reverse parking.
You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop exercise.
详细内容请参考: http://www.dsa.gov.uk/driving/dt_faqs.htm