1. uni. of manchester, Msc operational research and risk management
2. uni. of manchester, Mbus global business analyse
3. uni. of birmingham, Msc investment
4. uni. of glasgow, Msc investment banking and finance
小弟刚被曼大 finance and business economics 拒了,伤心中,但他们给了一些options,我选了两个感兴趣的。剩下两个已经拿到了con-offer, 请问个位大侠,如果是您,这四个专业怎么排序呀。 希望能给个详细的说明,谢谢啦.
1. uni. of manchester, Msc operational research and risk management
2. uni. of manchester, Mbus global business analyse
3. uni. of birmingham, Msc investment
4. uni. of glasgow, Msc investment b ...