如果研究战略或学习战略,有一个人的作品是不能忽视的,Henry Mitzberg。
他的profile 会出现在管理名家明仁介绍中,有兴趣可以查阅
Strategy Safari: The complete Guide Through The Wilds of Strategic Management
作者:Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel
FT/Prentice Hall ,1998
"We did not, however, write this as a textbook or some sort of academic treatis. From the outset, we believed that the book should have as much relevance for managers and c##被过滤##ultants in practice as students and professors in the classroom."
这本书的名字从字面上理解就是战略之旅,书中的第一章作者说到:"we are the blind people and strategy formation is our elephant". 在该章节的开始引用了盲人摸象的故事。
全书用十章 school of thought 来从不同方面不同角度谈战略,最后一章从整体上面看问题。
The Design School--strategy formation as a process of conception
The planning School--strategy formation as a formal process
The Positioning School--Strategy formation as an Analytical Process
The Entrepreneurial School--strategy formation as a visionary process
The Cognitive School--strategy formation as a mental process
The Learning School-strategy formation as n emergent process
The Power School--Strategy formation as a process of negotiation
The Culture School--strategy formation as a Collective Process
The Environmental School--Strategy Formation as a Reactive Process
The Configuration School--strategy formation as a process of transformation
南安图书馆里面reserve areas 有好几本。
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-15 18:56:20编辑过]