回复 2# 的帖子
EFL全称是English as a Foreign Language Unit ,是GLASGOW大学的语言中心,隶属于大学的,一般提供5到20周的语言课程
- prepares overseas students for study at the University on Pre-Sessional Courses
- supports them during their study - see In-Sessional Courses: English and Study Skills (ESS)
- runs General Vacation English and other courses for specific purposes
- for Teacher Training, the Unit offers Introductory (CELTA & Introduction to TESOL), In-Service (Teaching Methodology) and Masters level (MEd ELT Pathway) courses.
GIC是格拉斯哥国际学院,Glasgow International College简称(GIC)是提供预科课程的主要学校,
有关于GIC的信息,请参考http://bbs.uker.net/thread-131291-1-1.html 斑竹口哥的帖子说的十分详细 |