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楼主: liushiyou
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-3 03:45 | 只看该作者
The Dancing Kiss

A very pleasant way to kiss is found in the "dancing kiss." Here, again, it is the closeness of the bodies of the participants that adds to the enjoyment. What more could a pair of lovers ask for than a dimly lighted dance floor, the tender, rhythmical strains of a waltz being played by Wayne King, their arms around each other, their eager young bodies kissing each other in a myriad of excitable places, the while, their cheeks meet in glowing, velvety strokes? Naturally, in such situati##被过滤##, the rules of social etiquette w ill not allow the pair to enjoy an extremely appropriate "lip kiss." Although this can very easily be accomplished in the privacy of one's parlor while the radio is broadcasting the music. In fact, the "electric kiss" can be ideally performed under these circumstances. But, when dancing in a public place, the only kisses allowed would be those surreptitious ones stolen under the straying eye of the chaperone. Under the pretense of whispering pretty nothings into your partner's shell of an ear, allow your lips to touch her earlobe, her cheek and her chin. A few covert eye-kisses, perhaps, can be stolen in this manner, too. But, these stolen sweets should suffice the happy couple until they return home,. Then, stimulated by the forepleasure of these previous non-lip kisses, the pair can indulge in all the variati##被过滤## listed in this booklet, to their hearts' and their lips' content. The while they recall, perhaps, those lines from Sir John Suckling's "Ballad of a Wedding," which went:

Oh, they sudden up -and rise and dance;
Then sit again, and sigh, and glance;
Then dance again, and kiss.

A most charming manner of kissing is called the "surprise kiss." This is performed when one of the parties has fallen asleep, on the sofa, let us say. On entering the room, when the other sees his lover asleep, he should tip-toe softly over to her. Then, lowering his head slowly, he should implant a soft, downy, feathery kiss squarely on her lips. This first kiss should be a very light one. -But, thereafter, the intensity of the kisses should increase until the sleeping one has awakened. and, of course, even beyond that. The effect of such an awakening to a sleeper is almost heavenly. For, while in the midst of a dream, a pleasant one, most likely, for it will concern the other half of the couple, she feels vaguely, faintly, as though it were the touch of a butterfly's wing, a subtle kiss on her lips. Naturally, in the depths of her sleep, she imagines that it is part of her dream and the result. is a pleasant sensation, indeed. Then, gradually, athough still asleep, she feels the kisses continue. And the pleasantness continues. Then, as she starts to come out of her sleep, she realizes that the kisses are to real for a dream. But she is sure that she is dreaming. And so, immediately, a relapse from the happiness sets in and a twinge of sadness comes over her because she knows that', instead of being with her lover, she is only dreaming of him. Imagine, then, her extreme gratification, when, while thinking these drab thoughts, she feels the actuality of an intense, ardent kiss on her lips. Her heart flutters wildly. Her pulse runs riot. Perhaps she is not asleep, she argues to herself. Then she opens her eyes. And she sees the darling face f her beloved bending over her. And she feels the sensuous touch of his lips on hers. Truly, no awakening can be more pleasurable!

Perhaps, in conclusion, it would be appropriate to make mention of a few kissing customs which have intrigued mankind. For instance, there is the rite of kissing under the mistletoe, at Christmas time. The origin of this custom is uncertain. Suffice it to say, it must have been started by some woman because, in, it, She rule is that if a woman is caught standing under a sprig of mistletoe, any man has the right to kiss her, peremptorily, without asking her permision or begging her pardon. Here is one time when social convention doses its eyes to lover's deligh
发表于 2003-7-3 03:46 | 只看该作者


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