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[文书写作] PS范例!!!

发表于 2003-4-22 00:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
PS写作范例    taisha.org  2002-04-19 11:07:21

What specifically have you done to help a group or organization change?
(300 word limit)

In 1990 as a senior associate at Condor C##被过滤##ulting, I headed?nbsp;a four person
Condor team for two years at Monitor Software (MS), a mid-size firm which
sold data-base management software products. Our mission was to convince 120
key MS programmers and engineers to sell MS c##被过滤##ulting services as a new
’product,’ in addition to their old engineering and programming tasks. These
valued and long-term employees were not sales oriented and were comfortable
with the status quo.?nbsp;Also, they were?nbsp;committed to finishing their current
projects, not adding to them.

I helped plan several company meetings and question-and-answer sessi##被过滤## to
share the company’s new?nbsp;vision. I explained the need for MS to change in
order to remain competitive. But many MS programmers and engineers, at the
end of our first orientation ’phase’ (6 months),?nbsp;were not committed to the
change. After carefully assessing these meetings with my own ’change’ team, I
told senior management the original plan would take 3 years instead of 15
months. We had to hire new people, deal with winning over more recruits, and?nbsp;
craft an exit strategy for those unwilling to join.

Over the next two years 70?nbsp;percent of the initial target audience signed on,
and 30 percent were transferred, quit,?nbsp;or let go. The new c##被过滤##ulting
’business’ became 25 percent of MS’ total revenues.

Executing lay-offs at the same time as making new hires was hard. So was
integrating new hires into this roiling environment.?nbsp;My team’s?nbsp;success was
based on?nbsp;(i) open communication, (ii) a willingness to change the first
plan, (iii) hiring outplacement and recruitment experts (after a failure of
trying this in-house) and?nbsp;(iv) c##被过滤##tantly sharing the new vision and
benefits. Although we revised the?nbsp;’change’ plan, we never waivered in our
ultimate commitment to it--and it showed.

Not a pretty picture at MS, but a classic change essay with great content
and adequate execution and analysis. The essay deals with a key change
situation: veteran, skilled employees must adapt to an additional function:
selling c##被过滤##ulting services rather than just products. Reclusive engineering
types must start selling themselves, an impossible transition for a
substantial minority. The writer spearheads the change. The set up is
adequately described, followed by the?nbsp;the buzz-word filled analysis
(explained our vision, valued feedback, gave credit to resistance, recognized
early mistakes, hired experts, showed our commitment to change).?nbsp;While the
analysis is cursory, and repetitive, what gives this essay power is the
underlying explosiveness of the situation, a real blood bath (30 percent
firings) and for the survivors, a top-down change that nobody really
welcomed. What comes through by implication is that the writer is tough,
smart, and a natural leader. He is ’compassionate’ not so much by nature, but by training.?nbsp;A

perfect HBS type.?nbsp;He knew what you are supposed to do in
such a situation (hold meetings, explain the change, listen to resistance)
but that is where the book learning stopped and reality took over.

All that jazz did not really work--at least it did not work as originally
planned. Time for Phase Two: extend the deadline, keep up the ’vision’ drill,
fire people, and hire replacements.?nbsp;The detail about out-sourcing the hires
and fires, after failing to do it in-house, is powerful and telling. So is
last sentence about being committed to change, and showing that commitment.
Within the context of this essay, it rings true, and you can almost picture
the writer heading the entire two-year operation in a collected, firm,
intelligent, by-the-book business-like way.?nbsp;

More condensed writing and less repetition could have opened some space to
screw i
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-22 00:38 | 只看该作者

鬼子希望的PS [转帖]

taisha.org  2002-04-19 11:06:37

good luck everyone!

I took some time to read your statement. It’s telling. Anyway, I talked
with the chair of our department today and asked about his opinion on what
he expects one to be. He gave me a few points:

First, you need to show why you’re interested in biology. It could be just
a brief history, a class or something that turned on your interest. But
don’t give the impression of being too romantic. He told me about a bad
statement, in which a Chinese student told the story of when he was 2
years old and his mother showed him a tadpole and he’s been interested
in biology ever since then and bla bla bla...

Second, tell what kind of field you would want to work in. Don’t be too
specific because if there’s no one in the department doing such a thing,
the committee will think you won’t be satisfied when you get here. So, you
may check first to make sure that the research area you want in
represented in the department.

Third, tell why you want to be a Ph.D. This is generally showing that
you’re interested in research.

I told them you have been in the lab. ’Them’ means the chair and his wife.
They said you should stress that in your statement. I think you can write
about what your lab is doing, what kind of experimental techniques are you
using and what your role is in there.

They also said that they are looking for someone with genuine interest in
biology research and they expect this expressed in the statement. Since
you’ve been working so long, you can sound more mature or formal when
describing your lab experience. And, don’t make the statement too long,
they get tired out before reaching the end. You can have your script read
by some other teachers and have some feedback on what they think of it.



Guideline for writing the Study Plan:

In view of the relatively poor quality of the study plan we
received in the past years, the department decides to offer
more concrete guidelines to help applicants
writing their study plans.
The intention is to tell applicants what the
department is looking for in the study plans, and
how the applicants can best distinguish themselves
during the admission process.
Of course these guidelines are only recommendatory.
Applicants are welcome to use their
imagination whenever/wherever possible.

The study plan serves three purposes. First, it shows how well applicants
can express their ideas in plain English. This requires well-organized
thinking skills as well as clear writing.
Second, the study plan is supposed to show how much thought the applicants
have given to the particular fields in which they want to study.
For example, if an applicant wants to study Neural Networks,
exactly how much they know about Neural Network and why do they think
they are capable of doing research in this field should be clearly
explained in the study plan.
The third purpose of a study plan is to provide students with lesser grade
an opportunity to present their intellectual accomplishments other than
academic records. For research projects that require extensive hands-on
capabilities, practical problem-solving skills will play as much important
roles as course grades.

To help the applicants write down the types of information that
will interest the admission committee most, we prepare a list of
specific questi##被过滤## that the applicants may c##被过滤##ider to answer in their
study plans. Again, answering these questi##被过滤## is not mandatory.
They are suggested here to reduce the possibility of wasted efforts on
the part of applicants.

[1] What is the most significant achievement you’ve ever accomplished so far?
This could be a class project, a piece of artifact you built, or a research,
and it doesn’t have to be related to Computer Scien
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