标题: 英国大学为了吞下“脱欧”这块硬骨头已准备“入欧”了! [打印本页]
作者: bjbjzbj 时间: 2016-10-8 17:44
标题: 英国大学为了吞下“脱欧”这块硬骨头已准备“入欧”了!
本帖最后由 bjbjzbj 于 2016-10-8 17:46 编辑
前些天,欧洲理事会主席 Donald Tusk 在欧盟非正式会议(在斯洛伐克举行,英国领导人没去)上,谈起了他和英国首相 Theresa May上一周在伦敦的会晤。
Donald Tusk and Theresa May
这个耿直boy(Tusk说首相 May对他很开诚布公 )向广大吃瓜群众转述了他和首相May的谈话内容。
She declared that it’s almost impossible to trigger Article 50 this year but it’s quite likely that they will be ready maybe in January maybe in February next year.
梅姨估计现在一脸黑线,内心OS:两人说的悄悄话,一转脸就昭告天下。 Tusk你这样做可不厚道,这是不留退路赶鸭子上架吗?
据 Hobsons (招生咨询公司)的调查显示:在英国脱欧大局已定后,近三成的国际生表示不想来英国留学念书了。
脱欧后,逾100名欧洲学生撤回了对Aberystwyth University 的申请。
除此之外,更加雪上加霜的是,根据Guardian 的对Russell Group 大学的机密调查显示,一些英国一流大学和欧洲伙伴的关系陷入了尴尬的境地。
所以,来自20多个欧洲国家的大学领导人签署了如下的联合声明(joint statement )。
We as European university leaders wish to reaffirm our commitment to international cooperation and exchange in this turbulent time for Europe. We are strongest when we tackle issues collaboratively, when we exchange ideas and people, and when we open our hearts and minds to new perspectives and new knowledge.
Collaboration is also a cornerstone of innovation and excellence. It is by pooling infrastructure, data and expertise that we can best pursue ground-breaking research which improves people’s lives and help to build strong and sustainable knowledge economies.
The outcome of the UK’s referendum on EU membership will mean a new relationship between the UK and the rest of Europe, but we will work together to ensure that the long-standing research and exchange relationships between Europe’s universities continue, for the benefit of people across the continent.
一英国大学负责人透露,他们(以及其它的高校)正在欧盟国家“window shopping”,以期寻找到最具合作精神的“意中人”。
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