
标题: 我也收到offer了,但还要300英镑的钱,真的需要寄过去吗? [打印本页]

作者: yttangela    时间: 2005-3-28 22:15
标题: 我也收到offer了,但还要300英镑的钱,真的需要寄过去吗?
作者: ocean8    时间: 2005-3-28 22:19
我也收到OFFER 要620镑 我现在已经寄过去了
作者: yttangela    时间: 2005-3-28 22:23
作者: kevincn    时间: 2005-3-29 05:57
那是deposit, 其实就是保位费. 怕你收了OFFER又不去. 早交了,现在收据都收到了.
作者: yttangela    时间: 2005-3-30 17:58
作者: 佳佳    时间: 2005-3-31 05:31
作者: kevincn    时间: 2005-3-31 06:18


Deposit Payment Details

Please complete one of the following:

By Cheque

Only UK bank personal cheques accepted. Please make the cheque payable to Oxford Brookes University (in pounds sterling GBP)

q Cheque attached (please tick ü)

By Credit Card

Please complete the following information:

Type of credit card (Please tick appropriate box ü)

Visa q Mastercard q American Express q Switch/Delta q

Credit card number:

Expiry Date: ______________ Issue Number: ______________

Amount (£): _______________

Name of Cardholder: _________________________________________

Address of Cardholder: _______________________________________


Signature of Cardholder: _______________________________________

作者: kevincn    时间: 2005-3-31 06:18
By Sterling Bankers Draft

Please make draft payable to Oxford Brookes University (in pounds sterling GBP)

q Banker’s draft attached (Please tick ü)

By Bank Transfer

Please attach confirmation from your bank that the bank transfer has been made. The University’s bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Oxford Brookes University Direct Remittances Account

Address: Barclays Bank Plc, PO Box 333, Oxford, OX1 3HS

Sort Code: 20 – 65 – 18

Account Number: 60723770

Swift Code: BARCGB22

IBAN: GB52 BARC 206518 60723770

Swift code and IBAN must be quoted on all transfers.

Please ensure that your name and the title of the course to which you have applied is shown on the transfer documentation.

q Bank transfer confirmation attached (Please tick ü)

作者: CeciCat    时间: 2005-4-7 06:21


作者: 无限    时间: 2005-5-21 04:49


作者: mishuitao    时间: 2005-5-23 09:00
作者: daniella    时间: 2005-5-30 17:28

Hi there,

Came across this website recently, amazed at how many of you are out there trying to help each other.

I have been recently appointed as China Representative, with office is Beijing. My job is to help peole like you. I will be organising an pre-departure meeting on 3rd July in Beijing, I understand some of you might not be able to come to Beijing, but if you do and do need assistant, feel free to get in touch.

I gradauted from Brookes in 1992, a long time ago. My e-mail oxfordbrookes@vip.163.com, office number 010 85383299, website www.oxfordbrookes.com.cn


作者: 留英学者    时间: 2005-5-31 00:17
各个学校应该不同的 我从来没有碰到过哦 只是让我在规定时间内付学费那样就95%优惠 但是后来我发现同学都去了才交 都是95%优惠 我晕

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