V: Good morning
M: Good morning
V: What will you study in UK (没问我用中文还是用英文,就直接问话。估计是看了偶的TOEFL成绩后,觉得没必要问这个问题了。TOEFL>630. TWE=5.0)
M: MSc in Economics, specializing in the fields of X1 Economics and X2 Economics.(后面这个specializing的补充主要是要体现专业目标明确)
V: How long will you study in UK?
M: The total length of my study is two years?
V: Why it is two years?
M: Because the University of XXX has very high quality and strict teaching. Most of the students were offered two years of graduate study by the University of XXX at the Department of Economics. And it also relates with the subjects---(本来想补充一下跟我所学的课程也有关系,不过被VO给打断了。上面的回答内容对了,不过语病较多。现在给予订正一下,免得误导别人:The teaching in University of XXX is of high quality and very strict. The Department of Economics at University of XXX offered most of the students two years of graduate study.)
V: OK, I am not here to listen to you lecture.
M: ---(觉得有点尴尬)
V: What is your current job?
M: I work as a teacher in XXX School.
V: Have you resigned?
M: No. The principal told me that I could decide to resign or carry on teaching as I will.
V: Then will you resign?(连续问了两个resign, 估计她对这个问题挺重视的)
M: If I can get the visa, I will resign and go to study in UK. If I can’t, I will go on teaching in this school. (对自己关于这个问提的回答还是挺满意的。主要是要体现出自己并不是非去UK不可,虽然偶的确是非常想出去念书)
V: What will you do after graduation?
M: I will pursuit a PH.D. Degree in a American university. (偶的确是想去美国继续读博,不过如果有机会去Cambridge 或和LSE 的话,我还是会留在英国读博的,之所以这样回答原因有三:一、回答尽量要简单扼要;二、是要说明自己真的是去念书的;三、而且避免让VO怀疑你有移民倾向) 。
V: Why America?
M: (此时偶心理窃喜,这个问题me考虑的非常充分,就怕她不问这个问题)
UK is a leading country in the field of X1 Economics, but US has advantage over UK in the field of X2 Economics. The combination of the study and research experience in US and UK will be very helpful for my future career as an economist. (这是偶经过了数日时间所提炼出来的answer,这在我看来是整个面试的highlight. 这不仅回答了去美国的原因, 还顺带把去英国的原因说明了,还有就是我把future career as an economist都说明了,------所有这些都向VO 表明我有很明确的学业计划和目标, 我已经认真的为自己的将来作好了打算, 而且我没有兴趣在毕业后留在英国. 还有很重要的是这个回答够简单扼要。其实要把这个问题完完整整的回答清楚,我就必须做一个lecture, 可是VO那有这么好的耐性和心情去听你的lecture, 所以只能够挑最重要最有说服力的内容讲)
V: (此时在我的申请表上狂书。我估计她已经决定要给我签证了)
M: (偶在窗口外边边傻愣愣站着,看着她狂书)
V: (冷不丁冒出一句)When will you go to UK?
M: Early September.
V: So it is first of September. (多无聊的猜测啊,估计是因为她已经无话可说了)
M: No. Maybe second of September. ( 刚说出口,就觉得自己傻傻的,其实回答一句maybe就可以了)
V: (突然间抛出一句) #¥%……
M: (没接住,正中脑门,被打晕了!无奈而又迷惘的看着VO)