This letter is regarding to the new proposal which suggests £400 should be charged for each individual interview for student’s visa extension. On the base that I have no positive comment about this proposal, I would like to express my own thoughts:
The first thing I would like to mention, is that this ‘visa extension procedure’ is not a service that you set to benefit us,—include we Chinese students even if we are charged, but for you—the British civilians. For example, by setting this procedure, the people who are not qualified to ‘live in Britain’ are selected by you, and mainly, you get the benefits from the result. Thus, we are not the beneficiary at the first place; we go to the home office regularly following your order, and you do not even pay us the travel expenses, may I ask why you mention the word ‘benefit’ in the questionnaire?
Secondly, recently there has been a voice supports this proposal states that ‘if you don’t want to pay the fees, don’t come to this country’. This statement is rude, and certainly we Chinese people can not make this kind of statements. Furthermore, it is funny, imagine if on my door it says ‘any one comes into my house will be killed’, can I kill anyone without liabilities, just like you can say ‘if you don’t want to be killed, don’t come into my house’, if so, I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to my house... However if you do not feel this statement is reasonable, do not even take it into account while you discuss—if you do discuss.
At last, it is necessary to emphasis again that, this ‘students’ visa extension’ procedure contributes most to the British tax-payers, if the great British tax-payers do not feel like to pay for it, would they suggest you to cancel it? On the other hand, if you c##被过滤##ider that we also get bene作者: hanxudl 时间: 2004-12-1 06:15
头一个支持 支持原创 什么时候去叫我 现在空虚得要命[em01]作者: fersnini 时间: 2004-12-2 08:36
我也想去,虽然不知道有没有机会在这里续签,但是能为中国学生出一点力也是好的,况且国内可没这种机会,呵呵!作者: cookie1981 时间: 2004-12-4 18:39