Aston / Stirling / Liverpool / Manchester(专业不是我想学的,是学校转的)
现在正在犹豫选择中,谁能给我提一些参考意见? 以下是我为何犹豫的原因
Stirling 参考大家的意见,它似乎已不在我的考虑范围内
Aston 综合排名不太好,不明白它的综合排名与商科排名怎么会相差那么大,担心它是不是自己吹出来的。我有海归的同事,说ASTON不受尊重。到底按照什么标准来判断呀?
Liverpool 曾经辉煌过,现在情况怎么样呢?似乎在中国,提起它,人们会更熟悉一些,比ASTON 更有知名度
Manchester 不考虑专业,它应该是最好的选择。
作者: singwai 时间: 2003-7-11 02:44
Manchester unis. ranks the 1st, followed by liverpool. The others are not as famous as man and liverpool. after all, Man and Livr are the member of red bricks unis. and have lots of wonderful alumnis. so my advice to you is: go to Man!作者: shisx 时间: 2003-7-11 18:41
Thanks for your advice.
I have no idea of what red bricks unis. is, could you explain it?
In addition, I know that Liverpool univ. is an old one, but its ranking is ralatively low in recent years, do I need to take this into c##被过滤##ideration?