“When you go to university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isn’t。”
换言之,学术文章有点八股文的味道。那么,我们就可以利用这点迅速掌握文章结构继而掌握思路了。文章的性质决定了文章的结构。在《剑桥雅思》的前言中,关于阅读有这样一段话: “The passages are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument。”
一看标题就知道是说明文,主题是介绍约翰逊博士的词典。然后阅读具体断落来套结构,注意一般只要看首尾句就可以了。第一段第一句”There had been concerns about the state of the English language。”交代背景,说明英语语言的问题,引出编词典的主题。
第二段首句“there had, of course, been dictionaries in the past”介绍过去的字典,可知这篇文章的结构是按照时间顺序进行的。抓住这点,余下几段就容易分析了。依次往后,分别讲了编词典的必要性、编词典前的准备、编词典中的艰难、介绍工作成果、出版后的好评,约翰逊的感慨以及最后功成名就。
例如,“剑五”P86,“The Impact of Wilderness Tourism”探讨野外旅游,主题属于环境类。
按照这个结构即使不看文章,我们也应该可以判断Section A选的是iii这个标题(Fragile regions and the reasons for the expansion of tourism there),依次类推Section B论述后果,那么应该选V因为里面有“disruptive effects”,而Section C论述应对措施所以选ii。作者: 六月天热 时间: 2013-7-22 18:04