Many congratulations on your fairly impressive performances at the interview which demonstrated your potential to developing into a T&I professional. On top of your adequate language ability, you have displayed appropriate aptitude suitable for the nature of the study. You know what you want, have independent opinions, very balanced temper, and fairly firm under stress.
You could, however, endeavour to speak more clearly. There were a couple of times during the interview, your message was not entirely transparent. But, this might have been due to a very nervous situation when you were being interviewed and should be fine after some practice.
If you intend to be a T&I teacher as you have indicated during the interview, Newcastle T&I would be the place for you since we are the only institution with good balance of theory and practice. Our graduates are now teaching in Leeds, Middlesex, Nottingham (UK as well as Ningbo), Salford, and many institutions of higher education in China and Taiwan.
因为我之前申请的专业是 MA Translating&Interpreting,但Eric邮件中说还可以选择MA Interpreting,那更好不过。
先是第一部分,相当于热身吧,和雅思口语差不多。做个简短的自我介绍,可我当时怎么没把想说的表达出来呢。接下来问家乡的情况,问我更喜欢成都还是家乡。然后问对纽卡有什么了解,我大概说了纽卡的4个pathways,说其实MA Translating&Interpreting 偏interpreting和 MA Interpreting课程设置基本一样,但 MA T&I 偏 Translating的话就没办法学同传了,只能学交传、双向口译什么的。然后问如果从纽卡毕业后有何打算,我说想在英国工作一两年,积累点经验再回国。又问回国想做什么,我说想当大学老师,兼职做口译(之前一直都不喜欢老师这个职业,觉得太安定,可是后来想想老师的假期好长啊,轻松点有什么不好呢)。第一部分大概这么多,挺简单的吧。
然后就是一个5分钟的演讲了。有五分钟的准备时间。Eric让我把题目写在纸上,"The European Debt Prolem", 当时我可高兴了,这个问题是我准备到了的呀。这里先说说我是怎样准备时事的。其实从大二开始,就每天雷打不动的听普特上的新闻,看视频,到现在一直没间断过。但仅仅听新闻肯定是达不到面试要求的,所以面试前半个月,会看看卫报、每日邮报什么的,中文的可以看环球时报或者参考消息。而且你不能只挑感兴趣的看,必须全部有所了解,最好不要有遗漏。那段时间,每天都要了解欧债危机、阿拉伯之春、中美关系、中欧关系、六方会谈、全球粮食安全问题、人民币汇率问题、南海问题、美国信用评级问题等等,连巴以问题都有可能考到。我看了很多遍才完全弄清楚它,太复杂了。只要是你能想到的问题,不管政治、经济、军事、文化、社会、环保,你都要准备,这样才会遇到准备到的题。当然,也会有一些类似克隆、修建三峡大坝的利弊等全靠平常积累的问题。所以应该尽可能多的去了解知识,使自己成为一个knowledgable person,而且这种感觉也挺好的。