1 fundametal of financial managenment 的推荐课本
Brigham, E., and J. Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management(9成新) 15磅 原价51磅 (我的是concise 6th edition, 推荐的是custom edition, 版本不太一样所以便宜卖,但内容基本上是一样,而且我的版本是硬皮全彩印的)
2 quantitative method of finance 的推荐课本
Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts (4th Edition)(9成新) 15磅 原价46.99磅
3 financial accounting 这个我不清楚是哪门课的推荐课本便宜卖 5磅
4 investment analysis I 推荐课本
K. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, and E. Peek (2007), Business Analysis and Valuation 的影印版 3磅 送global business today 影印版