Pre-sessional English language courses for Academic Purposes
The Pre-sessional English language courses at the University of Manchester are designed to help students improve their academic English skills and to prepare them for study on their degree programme. Areas of study on all of its courses include academic reading, writing, speaking and listening.
The length of course depends on the English level required by students’ academic department and their current level of English. Courses are available for 3 weeks (for students who have satisfied all entry conditions for the academic course), 5 weeks, 10 weeks and 20 weeks.
Course start dates for 2010/11 Academic Year: 20-week: 26 April 2011
10-week (a): 26 April 2011
10-week (b): 04 July 2011
5-week: 08 August 2011
3-week: 22 August 2011
今年语言课有几个宿舍可以选择,可以上语言中心看一下作者: semi00 时间: 2012-4-22 12:56
你好~请问下总分差0.5 单项都达到要求了 要读多久的语言呢?并且现在5周或者10周的语言名额是什么情况呢,知道在哪看麽?3q~作者: chrysan05 时间: 2012-4-23 12:26
曼大的语言课程费用是预先交的么? 那收款确认和语言课程通知相隔多少时间发放呢?作者: chrysan05 时间: 2012-4-23 12:34
同问。。。现在10周语言课程的情况怎么样呢?作者: szwd_86 时间: 2012-4-23 12:35
收款确认的时间取决于你采取哪种付款方式,如果是电汇,时间会长一些,如果是上网支付,也许几分钟就会收到系统的确认邮件,语言课程的入学通知也没用统一的时间标准,通常在收到学费后的一周左右。作者: lenacao0525 时间: 2012-5-4 01:27
哈罗~~我收到了曼大intercultural communication的con~~要求是总分7写作7 可是在offer里没有说可以读语言 我邮件小米他说有语言的,可是语言后还是要雅思,原话是 "Please note, however, that you would still be required to retake the test and meet the overall score of 7.0 with 7.0 in the writing element in order to meet the entry requirement." 我想问如果我语言后还是没达到7我会被赶回来吗?? 作者: szwd_86 时间: 2012-5-4 08:52
不知道你现在的雅思成绩是多少?如果相差不多,且听、说、读、写各项都比较均衡的话,通过一段时间语言课程的学习后,是能通过入学雅思测试的,反之,会存在一定的风险,如果如果雅思达不到入学要求,是不能注册和进入正式课程的学习的,请正确评估自己的英语能力。作者: 球儿 时间: 2012-5-8 23:07
不知道楼主还在不在。。。我总分是7,不过口语和写作各差0.5 。。。貌似是要读10周的吧。不过我7月份国内有事儿,想跟学校协商读个5周的,楼主觉得有戏吗?敬谢楼主~作者: szwd_86 时间: 2012-5-9 00:58