还有几本没找到的, 欢迎大家补充下
Kircup, Les, (1994). "Experimental Methods", John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0471335797, Hartley Library catalogue QC 39 KIR
Electrical & Electronic engineering Principles, Morris, Prentice Hall, 1994, ISBN 0582098157
Electronics for today and tomorrow, Duncan, 2nd Edition, John, Murray, 1997, ISBN 0719574137
Mastering Electronics, Watson,4th Edition, Palgrave, 1996,
ISBN 0333669703
Any A level physics text e.g. A Level Physics, Muncaster, Nelson Thornes, 4th edition, 1993, ISBN 0748715843, Hartley Library Classification QC 21 MUN
Kahn, Peter (2001). Studying mathematics and its applications, Palgrave, ISBN 0333922794, Hartley Library Classification QA 11 KAH
Sands, David (2004). Studying physics, Palgrave, ISBN 140390328X, Hartley Library Classification QC 21.3 SAN
Price, G. & Maier, P. (2007). Effective Study Skills, Pearsons Education, London 作者: cbww197511 时间: 2011-5-31 09:37
几乎每本e-book 都能从哪里找到
但是需要VISA.. 有些忐忑呀.
前些日子百度上看到有人说这个网站 黑金啊..