标题: 博士们帮我看看,如何MA升PHD [打印本页] 作者: 雾岛之樱 时间: 2011-4-29 11:36 标题: 博士们帮我看看,如何MA升PHD 我那个department除了MA就是PHD,我邮件问如何MA升PHD,她们回答是这样的,请大家根据经验帮我分析下到底如何升PHD?谢谢!Progress to PhD from an MA depends on you progressing well in your MA studies, We would expect, for example, such students to be scoring 60%+ on assignments and certainly on their dissertation. While you are doing your MA, you will find we can give you a lot of advice on PhD studies. You can, for example, begin to focus on the areas of your particular interest during your MA. The MA dissertation is a good place to begin exploring some of the ideas you have.
难道只要我成绩过60就可以直接读PHD了?还用的着申请吗?还有。。。。60分容易到达吗?还有。。。奖学金的事情这封信里能说明什么吗?谢谢解答!!作者: szwd_86 时间: 2011-4-29 13:21
这个60是指英国学校的评分标准,在英国40分就算及格。在英国平均70分以上就是优秀了,可授于一等荣誉学位;60~69分是非常好,可授于二等甲级荣誉学位;50~59分是好,可授予二等乙级荣誉学位(这也是本科生申请硕士的最低要求);40~49分是及格但有不足,可授予三等学位;40分以下是不及格,不能授予学位。英国的60分相当于国内的80~85分。作者: 未来式、迷惘 时间: 2011-4-29 13:30
来瞧瞧!作者: miomy 时间: 2011-4-29 21:14 标题: 回复 1# 的帖子 60%+ is obviously just a suggestive requirement for the progress, not a mandatory one. No offence, but it would be quite tough to persue a PhD degree with ur current English lvl.作者: 骑着猪看日出 时间: 2011-4-29 21:40 标题: 回复 4# 的帖子 4楼正解。。。不是说2:1你就能读的,要看那一年申同样老师的其他学生的水平,你要知道Phd的position是有限的,你不如别人的话考了distinction也未必给你offer