剧情简介 · · · · · ·
1000 Ways to Die combines the science of living and the randomness of death with a dash of Darwinism. What actually happens when a rattlesnake's venom enters the bloodstream? How do Nitrogen bubbles affect the body after long ... “死亡无处不在,有些人有幸能与它擦肩而过,有些人却难逃此劫。我们能活着就是一种奇迹!每一天我们都在与细菌、病毒、疾病、伤痛、天灾……搏斗!每一天都要面对1000种死的可能!”
1000 Ways to Die combines the science of living and the randomness of death with a dash of Darwinism. What actually happens when a rattlesnake's venom enters the bloodstream? How do Nitrogen bubbles affect the body after long exposure under water then immediately to 2 miles up into the sky? These questions will be answered in glorious CGI effects. Forensic experts, pathologists, toxicologists, herpetologists, and other experts offer eloquent explanations of mortality.