你说语言么,一般语言都是很好通过的,不像预科那么麻烦,但是也不是说所有人都能通过,听说是有人木有通过,但是具体不详作者: 斗尘 时间: 2011-3-29 23:14
You are assessed by a mix of coursework and an exit test. Assessed coursework includes a final written project and an oral presentation / discussion task. The exit test includes a reading and writing test and an academic listening test. You will receive a certificate of attendance on satisfactory completion of the course. In addition, a full end-of-course report is made available to you, your new department and your sponsor, if applicable.作者: 100rencai 时间: 2011-3-30 02:16
原来5.5分可以读10周 无语。。。作者: 斗尘 时间: 2011-3-30 09:09