1 Oxford
2 Cambridge
3 Imperial College
4 London School of Economics (LSE)
5 Bath
6 University College London (UCL)
7 York
8 Warwick
9 Bristol
10 Durham
作者: skyfate 时间: 2003-6-9 08:47
好像商科排名比较低。矛盾作者: hisayi 时间: 2003-6-9 08:59
你大概不知道吧,去年oxford的商科排名还在20名开外,今年才升为第一,这当然是和它超凡的财力有关,要不以它的历史,和durham也差不了多少。作者: xxoo 时间: 2003-6-10 19:39
hao作者: hisayi 时间: 2003-6-11 03:34
wow,xxoo还真是有领导派头!惜话如金啊!作者: ewwa_1980 时间: 2003-6-11 05:51
我是学社会工作的,申请商学方面的硕士容易吗》?哪所学校花费少还比较容易接受。我在北京。作者: hisayi 时间: 2003-6-11 06:34
Durham Business School的研究生课程不明确要求你本科学的就要是商,你可以试一试!
祝你好运,加油加油~作者: hisayi 时间: 2003-6-20 03:45
Durham is back in The Times Top 10, up from 13th last year, in the latest national newspaper league table of universities, and heads the subject specific tables for Geography, and Physics and Astronomy.
The rise in The Times rankings reflects increases in several of the paper's measures: entry grades, teaching score, spending on libraries, computing and student facilities, student-staff ratio and the proportion of Firsts and Upper second class degrees. Durham was last ranked in The Times top 10 in 1997 at 9th and misses out on ninth place this year by only 0.1 of a percentage point behind Bristol.
The subject lists combine teaching quality ratings with research assessment exercise results, entry grades and graduate employment. Durham is ranked:
Anthropology 5 Sport (Hospitality, leisure, recreation, sport & tourism) 10
Archaeology 5= Iberian languages (Spanish) 33=
Business Studies 42 Italian 23
Chemistry 3 Law 4
Classics and Ancient History 15 Linguistics 4
Computer Science 24 Mathematics 26
East and South Asian Studies 9 Middle Eastern and African Studies 4
Economics 7 Molecular biosciences 6
Education 19 Music 5
English 5 Organismal biosciences 4=
French 5 Other subjects allied to medicine 35
General Engineering 5 Physics and Astronomy 1=
Geography 1 Politics 37
Geology 7 Psychology 15
German 7 Sociology 20
History 3 Theology and religious studies 7
The Times table is based on nine key criteria which have a close bearing on the undergraduates experience. At the weekend the annual Financial Times table of universities again placed Durham at 28th in a much broader survey that attempts to measure a more complex range of factors. It no longer publishes overall "scores", but in previous years the universities have been separated by only fracti##被过滤## of a point.