嘻嘻,好在現在有個人讓我粘,只可惜這個傢伙有男朋友。。。作者: UFO 时间: 2004-1-20 20:55
除了国 这种感觉才突然出现!!
哎1!!作者: nanamiyang 时间: 2004-1-21 08:36
getting used to it at the moment.
sometimes it's fun.
u can do whatever u want to do.
i can smoke at room, read until morning, sit outside in the midnight, leave the light on whole night, save a lot of call bill, eat whenever I like, look at some handsome guys without feel guilty......
it is fun, hehe..........
enjoying.....作者: 冰凝的眼泪 时间: 2004-1-21 09:43
一个人的感觉时好时坏 哈作者: 小猪eunice 时间: 2004-1-21 09:59
我喜欢孤独的感觉,可是人多的场合,我就不能很坦然的享受孤独了.作者: Kayi 时间: 2004-1-21 10:12
是一种凄美..........作者: areil 时间: 2004-1-22 01:11