标题: 下周一南安大学二手课本市场!!!想买便宜专业书的同学们注意啦!!! [打印本页] 作者: joulupukky 时间: 2010-9-27 19:12 标题: 下周一南安大学二手课本市场!!!想买便宜专业书的同学们注意啦!!! Student Union将于下周一(10月4号) 10:00至15:00在Student Union所在地开办二手书市场,想买便宜专业书同时也做善事的同学们一定不要错过!
想卖书的同学也注意啦!你要在10月1号中午12点前将想卖的专业书(注意,一定是专业书,不是其他的杂志什么的)送到Student Union的reception。他们会让你把每一本书贴上对应的标签,留下你的相关信息(姓名电话邮箱书价以及对应专业)。如果书卖出去了,届时他们会通知你去取钱(每卖出一本书,会捐50P给RAG,一个遍布英国及北爱尔兰的学生慈善组织)。如果没有卖出去,那么他们也会通知你去把书再取回来。
以下是Student Union的广告原文:
This is the event that all students need in their academic lives!
If you want to pick up some bargain coursebooks come along on the day and find what you want for a fraction of the price that a new copy in the shop will set you back.
Plus the added bonus of knowing a small donation will be given to charity with every purchase you make.
You can bring your books to the SUSU reception desk anytime from now until midday on Friday October 1st.
They will take your books. You will need to supply them with the following info:
...-Your name
-Your email address
-Your phone number
-The course that the book relates to
-The price you wish to sell the book for (this will include a 50p contribution to RAG for every book sold)
Your book will then be sold for you.
If your book is sold then we will contact you after the event to let you know when you can pick up your £££
If your book is not sold then you will be able to collect it at a later date.
If you have any questions please email vpacademic@soton.ac.uk作者: 潭深深 时间: 2010-9-28 09:19
来帮顶一下作者: 记忆中忘记 时间: 2010-9-28 14:15