我是在伦敦大学读一年的MA,那么6.7 You must have £800 per month to cover maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 9 months).是应该填800乘以12个月还是只用乘以9个月(因为他说up to a maximum of 9 months)等于7200元?
6.17 Do you have any fees and maintenance still due for payment? 的maintenance一项,是否按照6.7的写?
6.20Put a cross (X) in the relevant boxes to indicate what evidence of funds has been supplied to cover all maintenance and fees which you still need to pay.我是定期存折加上存款证明,应该选哪项?有人说选1.Personal bank or building society statements和2.Savings or building society pass books, 有人说选2.Savings or building society pass books和3.Letter from a bank or building society confirming the funds or the agreement of a loan, 到底应该选哪个呢?