Notification of Issue Change
The following changes have been made to this Issue: Changed Status to Dealt With from Request, Appended a Description, Added Assignee : Keith Gibson.
questi##被过滤## about applying
Issue Number:
Thank you for your interest in studying for a higher degree at the University of York. We cannot assess your elegibility to study until you have made a formal application.
Please make a formal application so that we can evaluate your qualificati##被过滤##, experience and research interests.
Application forms and further information on applying to the University may be found at the following web address:作者: Vichy11 时间: 2010-3-12 20:50
真的很急,请大家帮忙看看哈!!作者: 源枫宵 时间: 2010-3-13 14:13
formal application...
难道是还没收到的材料了?作者: 太阳之角 时间: 2010-3-13 23:06
恩 来帮顶一下!