
标题: 咨询签证类型 [打印本页]

作者: rdsjq66    时间: 2009-7-8 11:21
标题: 咨询签证类型
Agreement between the university of southampton and Dr**
EC Grant Agreement No: PIAP-GA-2008-214699
Project Title: Digital Signal Processing in Audiology AUDIS
Name of Researcher: Dr Jinqiu Sang
Category: Initial Training Network
This agreement for the conduct of a Marie Curie Fellowship funded by the European Commission is drawn up between University *** and Dr. *** ("the Researcher")You will receive from 1 September 2009 to 31 August 2012 the gross sterling equivalent of ***euros per month. This will be subject to deducti##被过滤## at source for income tax and employee's National Insurance contributi##被过滤##. The deducti##被过滤## may be subject to variation as a result of changes to UK legistion. The payment will not attract any incremental or cost of living allowances. As you will be classified as a "Visiting Researcher", this amount will be reduced to cover employer's National
Insurance and Superannuation contributi##被过滤##. The date of commencement of employment will be****
作者: 恰恰    时间: 2009-7-24 15:29
要等到学校全部材料才清楚。重点是visa letter怎么确定的。如果还不清楚,可以跟学校international office协调,或者跟签证中心咨询。不过签证中心也会要求你拿到全部材料才能给你更详细的回答。
作者: uker2009    时间: 2009-7-24 16:02

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